Saturday, April 21, 2012

Her first formal...

I think it is safe to say that my little girl is officially a young lady...
I'm not all that sure that she wasn't five
like two weeks ago. Somewhere, somehow, I blinked and she is this beautiful fourteen year old.
I hope when she looks back at this pic, she remembers the trip just her and I took, searching the entire mall for "just the right dress". And I hope she remembers the youtube video I watched so that I could get the braiding in the back of her hair just right...or the time I took doing her make up, though it's hard to improve on the beauty that she is.
The things I will remember: the look on her face as I helped her zip this dress up in the dressing room, how proud she was to be able to walk in heels, and most of all...watching her spin around the room with her date when I came in to pick her up... exuding the confidence only a young woman can possess, yet the giddy smile of a girl.
I love you Emily Elizabeth.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Where does the time go??

Seriously, where?? I swear that overnight Josiah has at least tripled his vocabulary. Rarely anymore single words, he's practically holding conversations now. I wish I could just bottle all these moments up to keep them fresh for later. I love memories, but I hate how they seem to fade like photos. Eventually losing some of their detail...It makes raising my children so bittersweet. I love seeing what they will do next, but I can't help but mourn the phases they leave behind...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Call me crazy...

But I really want to register for a 5k walk/run! I've been hitting the eliptical and treadmill pretty hard lately (for a fatgirl!!) and really think this is something to work towards. The funny thing is, I have always said that I hate running! But I think the more weight I lose, the easier running will be. And lets be honest, by running I mean walk fast...maybe jog :) I've been so inspired by this blog ( She has lost 120+ lbs and RUNS! So Abel has said that he will do it with me and I think even Em is thinking she will join. I'm quite excited at just the possibility that I could do such a thing. 2012 is going to be amazing...I can feel it <3

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Teenage blues

In a little over a month my oldest will be 14. She is smart, beautiful, and some days the death of my sanity! There are times when days go by without incident, and other times we can't go two hours without one of us snapping at the other. And as frustrated as I get with her, I get twice as frustrated with myself. Nothing can remind you of your shortcomings as quickly as motherhood. I always wonder, "what if I was a little more patient" or "what am I NOT saying to let her know how much I adore her". I suppose the best I can hope for is that she grows up never having doubted that I love her and did the best I could...Funny how when you are a teenager it seems like the hardest time in your life...until you raise one.