Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What's for Dinner

My absolute favorite time of the year to cook is fall. I have free reign to make any soup I can come up with, and even attempt to bake (which is almost ALWAYS a FAIL!). Typically we grocery shop a week or two at a time. Being a family of 6 on a very strict budget means that my grocery list must be VERY detailed, with little to no wiggle room for extras.
Our meal planning starts with everyone picking 1-3 dinners (depending on how much shopping we are doing). By letting everyone pick a few dinners, there is less distress on the nights I'm making something that isn't exactly their favorite. Knowing that a meal they picked is just a night or two away somehow makes it bearable! After all dinners are chosen, I break down each meal into ingredients. I then see what, if any, items we already have. Lunch, breakfast and snacks are usually left to my discretion and I do the same with them.
After all items are listed, I complete my grocery list by sorting it into departments (Produce, market, frozen, etc.) And I sometimes go as far as to make an estimated total so I know what I'm working with! This seems like a lot of work to some, but it ensures that with my small budget, I come home with meals and not random groceries.
I will say that Fall sometimes means that I get to pick more meals than everyone else...sometimes my kids and hubby just don't have enough sense to pick Chicken Noodle Soup EVERY week! So I do it for them ;)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What marriage looks like to me...

While it may not be the best picture, it's the only pic I can find on my laptop...BUT, this post isn't about how I think we look in a pic, it's about what lies beyond that pic. I just read an article about a couple married 72 years. After a car accident they died just one hour apart, holding hands in the hospital. They were loyal to one another until the very end. Such a story seems so rare. And the thing is, I would have never known of this story if it weren't for the Christian radio station we listen to. Our magazines and news are filled with stories of adultery, divorce and the like...but stories of faithful, loving couples hardly make the front page.
But that's exactly where most children and young adults get their information: magazines, papers, social media. I remember when we first were married, I constantly thought of the statistic that says more than 1/2 of all marriages end in divorce. I felt as if our fate was practically sealed. And that frame of mind led to exactly that...a divorce. I'm pleased to say we were back together almost as quick as the ink was dry on our divorce papers and remarried on our anniversary. And I can honestly say that my frame of mind is a "forever" frame of mind. There is no thought of divorce...EVER. That's not to say he doesn't make me crazy from time to time (and I'm sure I return the favor), but I know what it's like to live without him and because of that I would choose him again and again...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It's been awhile!

It's amazing to me how my good intentions to keep this blog current fail so quickly! I even have internet access 5 days a week and still don't think to update! I suppose it doesn't matter seeing how no one actually follows my blog, but what a neat thing for me to look back on later...

Sooo...Here's my kiddo update:
Em: She keeps me so incredibly busy! Forget a social life, she is my social life. She is 13 and in 8th grade. Between volleyball and high school band, she is always on the go. Practice, marching competitions, games and Wyldlife make for a full schedule. Which is what we wanted, less time to do anything she shouldn't be!

Ava: Ava is my forever princess! Still the emotional, sensitive one of the bunch. She is 9 and in 2nd grade. Loves anything with a skirt or heel. Always prancing around, modeling for a make believe audience. She is trying out for UIL, but other than that she has not gotten into sports too heavily...Just like her mama ;)

Miss O: This girl keeps me on my toes! She has an answer for everything...often times better than anything I could have come up with! She is a fighter for sure and keeps her big sisters in line. She is 4 and hangs out at the shop with me most of the week. She is great at entertaining herself and I often catch pieces of the elaborate conversations she has with "friends"!

Siah: He is now 15 months, running all over the place, and painfully aware that he is the "prince" of our home! He says quite a few phrases (Oh man, Oh yeah, Thank you and more). We are still cloth diapering and loving it. He eats just about anything with the exception of anything to "wet" (watermelon, cucumber, cantalope, etc.)

I have opened a childrens resale shop here on the square and that takes up what little free time I used to have. It's been a little slow, but I'm hoping that turns around soon. Mr. Romero is still working in Kerrville and has now been given the deed of opening their new store. I'm so proud of all he has accomplished, but oh how I wish he was closer to home...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Consistancy is not my thing... :p

Well so much for "I'm going to try really hard to keep this blog current"! I suppose the fact that I rarely have internet is a good excuse, right??? Well more than a month has passed and my baby boy has become a one year old...This makes me a bit sad. Him being the fourth and final child, I would like for it to slow down a bit...or a lot! He has yet to begin walking, but this could be due to ALWAYS being carried everywhere :O He has 8 teeth, says a handful of words and even a few phrases...He's a genius, of this I'm sure!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

This is the image that lets me know summer has begun :) I am going to make a real attempt to keep this blog updated...I didn't do so well with the last one. But I figure even if no one ever reads this, it makes a nice paper-less diary for me! So it is the beginning of summer and the 3 girls are starting their week at Nana's ranch tomorrow. Not quite ready for Josiah to start staying over night, so he will be coming home with Daddy... this also starts the busy season for Market Days. We have an event every weekend for the next three weeks. I'm hoping mine and Tanya's small businesses really take off this month!