Thursday, October 20, 2011

What marriage looks like to me...

While it may not be the best picture, it's the only pic I can find on my laptop...BUT, this post isn't about how I think we look in a pic, it's about what lies beyond that pic. I just read an article about a couple married 72 years. After a car accident they died just one hour apart, holding hands in the hospital. They were loyal to one another until the very end. Such a story seems so rare. And the thing is, I would have never known of this story if it weren't for the Christian radio station we listen to. Our magazines and news are filled with stories of adultery, divorce and the like...but stories of faithful, loving couples hardly make the front page.
But that's exactly where most children and young adults get their information: magazines, papers, social media. I remember when we first were married, I constantly thought of the statistic that says more than 1/2 of all marriages end in divorce. I felt as if our fate was practically sealed. And that frame of mind led to exactly that...a divorce. I'm pleased to say we were back together almost as quick as the ink was dry on our divorce papers and remarried on our anniversary. And I can honestly say that my frame of mind is a "forever" frame of mind. There is no thought of divorce...EVER. That's not to say he doesn't make me crazy from time to time (and I'm sure I return the favor), but I know what it's like to live without him and because of that I would choose him again and again...

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